There are some young supply chain technologies that are getting a lot of buzz. But how mature are these technologies? Do they have a proven ROI? Are they worth piloting? Or can companies safely ignore them? There are also promising technologies that we expect will deliver great value. But we can’t document the ROI or other benefits at this point. Finally, there are technologi ...
Manufacturing ERP Needs to Be More Than Vanilla
As an ERP buyer for manufacturing, you will come across several options with their claim to be suitable for any industry or situation. In reality, each ERP systems' design supports concrete business processes based on size and micro-vertical. Implementing an ERP outside its core expertise increases the risk and costs for you. In this article, we will learn how to weed out vanil ...
6 Shop Floor Management Techniques Learned From 30 Years of Experience
It ain’t easy Managing a shop floor is no easy task. Your employees make mistakes, equipment breaks, rush orders slip in, jobs ship late, and days are long. On top of that, there is the constant demand to reduce costs and increase quality. It’s a real pressure cooker. So why do people do it? For me, the things listed above were challenges that needed to be mastered and managed. ...
Predictive maintenance is a good starting point for digital transformation. Are you ready?
As a manufacturer, the way you operate and make money is changing. Meeting your customer needs is no longer just about the products you make and how fast you deliver them. You are also increasingly called on to be the service experts and technicians for those products as well. When you want to build a strategy to solve your internal uptime challenges and expand your external se ...
Expanding your business? You need a two-tier ERP strategy
The concept of business expansion takes on several meanings in 2019. Some manufacturers will be poised to expand in a traditional sense, adding plants, employees, and increasing production of current products. Others will expand their business into new product lines, requiring new equipment, skill sets, and suppliers. Even other manufacturers will undergo a technology expansi ...
When Networks Bring People Together, Progress Happens
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the World Bank’s private sector arm, set out to provide relief to businesses in emerging regions as the 2020 pandemic roiled global markets. Stephanie von Friedeburg, MD and COO of the IFC, looks back on the year in a recent podcast where she reflects the following: “There's been a substantive hit on supply chains, trade shocks. And ...
5 Best Practices in ERP Vendor Selection for Manufacturers
Whether your company is implementing an ERP system for the first time, or replacing a legacy implementation, it’s critically important to make the right choice. An ERP solution is, at its foundation, a strategic choice. What new capabilities does your organization need and want? What problems are you trying to solve? What do you want your core processes to look like? How can ne ...
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Georgi Lazarov, IT Mnager at Watts Industries
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